EMS 2390 English
Auto Defrost chart
Cubed NO Remove any thawed cubes 10–15 min
and stir, ensuring that the
frozen cubes are around
the edge of the dish.
Minced Remove any thawed 5–10 min.
portions and turn over.
Beef Joint Place on an upturned saucer on Remove foil from outer 30–40 min.
a plate or on a microwave-proof edges but leave on thin
rack. Shield thin areas and outer areas. Turn over.
edges with smooth pieces of foil.
Steak NO If frozen in a block, separate as Remove foil and turn 10–15 min.
soon as possible. Shield outer over.
edges with smooth pieces of foil.
Cubed NO Place in an even layer in a Remove any thawed 10–15 min.
shallow dish. cubes and stir. Ensure
that the frozen cubes
are around the edge of
the dish.
Chops/Cutlets NO If frozen in a block separate as Remove foil and 10–15 min.
soon as possible. Arrange chops turn over.
so the thinner ends are towards
the centre of the turntable. Shield
outer edges with smooth pieces
of foil.
Lamb Joint Place on an upturned saucer on Remove foil and 30–40 min.
a plate or on a microwave-proof turn over.
rack. Shield thin areas and outer
edges with smooth pieces of foil.
Chops NO If frozen in a block, separate as Turn over, shield outer 10–15 min.
soon as possible. Arrange chops edges and thin ends
so the thinner ends are towards with foil.
the centre of the turntable. Shield
thin areas and outer edges with
smooth pieces of foil.
Sausages If frozen in a block, separate as Rearrange and remove 10–15 min.
soon as possible. Shield both any sausages that have
ends of the sausages with thawed.
smooth pieces of foil.
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