Electrolux EOB3434BOX User Manual Page 20

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Food Quantity Time (min)
Pieces Quantity
1st side 2nd side
Fillet steaks 4 0.8 12 - 15 12 - 14
Beef steaks 4 0.6 10 - 12 6 - 8
Sausages 8 - 12 - 15 10 - 12
Pork chops 4 0.6 12 - 16 12 - 14
Chicken (cut in 2) 2 1 30 - 35 25 - 30
Kebabs 4 - 10 - 15 10 - 12
Breast of chicken 4 0.4 12 - 15 12 - 14
Hamburger 6 0.6 20 - 30 -
Fish fillet 4 0.4 12 - 14 10 - 12
Toasted sandwiches 4 - 6 - 5 - 7 -
Toast 4 - 6 - 2 - 4 2 - 3
10.5 Turbo Grilling
Use the first or the second shelf position.
Preheat the oven.
To calculate the roasting time multiple
the time given in the table below by the
centimetres of thickness of the fillet.
Food Tempera‐
ture (°C)
Time (min)
Roast beef
or fillet, rare
190 - 200 5 - 6
Roast beef
or fillet, me‐
180 - 190 6 - 8
Roast beef
or fillet, well
170 - 180 8 - 10
Food Tempera‐
ture (°C)
Time (min)
neck, ham
joint, 1 - 1.5
160 - 180 90 - 120
Chop, spare
rib, 1 - 1.5
170 - 180 60 - 90
Meat loaf,
0.75 - 1 kg
160 - 170 50 - 60
Pork knuck‐
le (pre-
0.75 - 1 kg
150 - 170 90 - 120
Food Tempera‐
ture (°C)
Time (min)
Roast veal,
1 kg
160 - 180 90 - 120
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